
Scam or Worth the Price?

Folicerin is an innovative shampoo designed to combat hair loss. This product is available for men. The manufacturer took into account the characteristics of the skin and hair structure of the stronger sex. With this in mind, he created a unique tool.
Folicerin shampoo starts working after the first application. With its help, it is possible to prevent excessive hair loss, as well as stimulate their growth. To consolidate the result, you need to complete the full course – it lasts from 1 to 2 months. With the help of this tool, it is possible to achieve that the hair becomes stronger and thicker, their structure improves. This tool is effective even with baldness. That is why men can not even doubt choosing this shampoo for hair loss.

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Folicerin Reviews
Rating: 4.4/5



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Our expert's review

When men experience rapid hair loss, I recommend that they use Folicerin. This is an effective shampoo with herbal extracts. With its help, it is possible to quickly strengthen the hair, improve the condition of the scalp and stop baldness. Its effectiveness has been clinically proven.

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Side Effects

Due to the natural composition of Folicerin, it has a complex effect on the hair. It reduces their loss, stabilizes the condition of the scalp. It is possible to get rid of redness, itching, dandruff. Hair becomes more voluminous, stop splitting. The strands become more voluminous and shiny, so they look beautiful.


Folicerin shampoo consists exclusively of plant extracts, so it is absolutely safe for health. It can be used by almost all men to get rid of hair loss. You can read the composition in more detail to understand how this tool works.
Active ingredients:

  • Burdock extract. It helps to get rid of itching, has an antiseptic effect and is able to restore the scalp. Also, with its help, it is possible to increase blood microcirculation, which will positively affect hair growth.
  • Licorice extract. It contains glycyrrhizic acid, thanks to which it is possible to prevent inflammation of the dermis of the head. The extract of this plant helps stimulate the proper hair growth cycle. For this reason, it is possible to stop baldness.
  • Black pepper extract. It has the ability to inhibit the activity of 5-alpha reductase. This enzyme is responsible for converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. As a result, men are faced with baldness. It is black pepper that helps prevent this.
  • Ginseng extract. Starts hair regeneration by affecting the cells of the hair follicles. Restores the structure of the strands, makes them healthier.
  • NV Caffeine ECO. This is a unique form of caffeine, thanks to which it is possible to increase blood microcirculation and enhance the nutrition of hair follicles.

All components are selected in such a way that they enhance each others action.

How to use?

Using Folicerin shampoo is not difficult, but it is important to follow the instructions. You need to apply the product to damp hair and spread over the scalp. It is necessary to gently massage the dermis for 2 minutes. After that, the shampoo should be washed off. Apply the product 5 times a week for 2 months.

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Folicerin can be used by all men who want to improve the condition of their hair.
Main indications:

  • scalp itching;
  • slow hair growth, hair loss;
  • appearance of foci of baldness;
  • brittleness, section of strands;
  • dandruff.

Shampoo will be effective in all of these cases.


Folicerin should not be used if there is an individual intolerance to the active ingredients. It is manifested by rash and itching. In other cases, you can use the tool without fear.

Where to buy?

I found where you can buy Folicerin in USA, United Kingdom and India

Name Availability in
Farmacy No
Amazon No
Official site Available. Go to the official website


How long does the delivery of goods take?

Depending on where you are, but usually 2-6 days.

How long will it take before I see or feel any improvement?

It all depends on your body. But on average it is 10-14 days.


Folicerin Customer Reviews

I suffered from severe hair loss six months ago. I even got bald patches. As a result, I decided to use Folicerin, I found a shampoo on the Internet. Within two weeks, the fallout had slowed down significantly.

Folicerin shampoo helped me get rid of baldness. Thanks to him, new hair began to grow on his head. Now my hair looks much better.

Folicerin has helped me stop my hair loss. I also noticed that the strands became more elastic and shiny. The brittleness disappeared, they stopped splitting. Very pleased with this result.

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